Open and fixed degrees of freedom

Open degrees of freedom is useful when one want to get the marginal about certain degrees of freedom. When one specifies the openvertices keyword argument in solve function as a tuple of vertices, the output will be a tensor that can be indexed by these degrees of freedom. Let us use the maximum independent set problem on Petersen graph as an example.

using GenericTensorNetworks, Graphs

graph = Graphs.smallgraph(:petersen)
{10, 15} undirected simple Int64 graph

The following code computes the MIS tropical tensor (reference to be added) with open vertices 1, 2 and 3.

problem = GenericTensorNetwork(IndependentSet(graph); openvertices=[1,2,3]);

marginal = solve(problem, SizeMax())
2×2×2 Array{Tropical{Float64}, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 3.0ₜ   4.0ₜ
 4.0ₜ  -Infₜ

[:, :, 2] =
 4.0ₜ  -Infₜ
 4.0ₜ  -Infₜ

The return value is a rank-3 tensor, with its elements being the MIS sizes under different configuration of open vertices. For the maximum independent set problem, this tensor is also called the MIS tropical tensor, which can be useful in the MIS tropical tensor analysis (reference to be added).

One can also specify the fixed degrees of freedom by providing the fixedvertices keyword argument as a Dict, which can be used to get conditioned probability. For example, we can use the following code to do the same calculation as using openvertices.

problem = GenericTensorNetwork(IndependentSet(graph); fixedvertices=Dict(1=>0, 2=>0, 3=>0));

output = zeros(TropicalF64,2,2,2);

marginal_alternative = map(CartesianIndices((2,2,2))) do ci
    problem.fixedvertices[1] = ci.I[1]-1
    problem.fixedvertices[2] = ci.I[2]-1
    problem.fixedvertices[3] = ci.I[3]-1
    output[ci] = solve(problem, SizeMax())[]
2×2×2 Array{Tropical{Float64}, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 3.0ₜ   4.0ₜ
 4.0ₜ  -Infₜ

[:, :, 2] =
 4.0ₜ  -Infₜ
 4.0ₜ  -Infₜ

One can easily check this one also gets the correct marginal on vertices 1, 2 and 3. As a reminder, their computational hardness can be different, because the contraction order optimization program can optimize over open degrees of freedom.

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