Save and load solutions
Let us use the maximum independent set problem on Petersen graph as an example. The following code enumerates all independent sets.
using GenericTensorNetworks, Graphs
problem = GenericTensorNetwork(IndependentSet(Graphs.smallgraph(:petersen)))
all_independent_sets = solve(problem, ConfigsAll())[]
{0100000001, 1010000001, 0010000001, 1000000001, 0000000001, 0100100100, 0100000100, 0100100000, 0100000000, 0000101100, 1000001100, 0000001100, 0010101000, 1010001000, 0010001000, 0000101000, 1000001000, 0000001000, 0000100100, 1000000100, 0000000100, 0010100000, 1010000000, 0010000000, 0000100000, 1000000000, 0000000000, 0100010001, 0010010001, 0000010001, 0100110000, 0100010000, 0010111000, 0010011000, 0000111000, 0000011000, 0010110000, 0010010000, 0000110000, 0000010000, 0101000001, 1001000001, 0001000001, 0101000100, 0101000000, 1001001100, 0001001100, 1001001000, 0001001000, 1001000100, 0001000100, 1001000000, 0001000000, 0101010001, 0001010001, 0101010000, 0001011000, 0001010000, 0100000011, 1010000011, 0010000011, 1000000011, 0000000011, 0100100110, 0100000110, 0100100010, 0100000010, 0000100110, 1000000110, 0000000110, 0010100010, 1010000010, 0010000010, 0000100010, 1000000010, 0000000010}
The return value has type ConfigEnumerator
. We can use save_configs
and load_configs
to save and read a ConfigEnumerator
instance to the disk.
filename = tempname()
save_configs(filename, all_independent_sets; format=:binary)
loaded_sets = load_configs(filename; format=:binary, bitlength=10)
{0100000001, 1010000001, 0010000001, 1000000001, 0000000001, 0100100100, 0100000100, 0100100000, 0100000000, 0000101100, 1000001100, 0000001100, 0010101000, 1010001000, 0010001000, 0000101000, 1000001000, 0000001000, 0000100100, 1000000100, 0000000100, 0010100000, 1010000000, 0010000000, 0000100000, 1000000000, 0000000000, 0100010001, 0010010001, 0000010001, 0100110000, 0100010000, 0010111000, 0010011000, 0000111000, 0000011000, 0010110000, 0010010000, 0000110000, 0000010000, 0101000001, 1001000001, 0001000001, 0101000100, 0101000000, 1001001100, 0001001100, 1001001000, 0001001000, 1001000100, 0001000100, 1001000000, 0001000000, 0101010001, 0001010001, 0101010000, 0001011000, 0001010000, 0100000011, 1010000011, 0010000011, 1000000011, 0000000011, 0100100110, 0100000110, 0100100010, 0100000010, 0000100110, 1000000110, 0000000110, 0010100010, 1010000010, 0010000010, 0000100010, 1000000010, 0000000010}
When loading the data in the binary format, bit string length information bitlength
is required.
For the SumProductTree
type output, we can use save_sumproduct
and load_sumproduct
to save and load serialized data.
all_independent_sets_tree = solve(problem, ConfigsAll(; tree_storage=true))[]
save_sumproduct(filename, all_independent_sets_tree)
loaded_sets_tree = load_sumproduct(filename)
+ (count = 76.0)
├─ + (count = 58.0)
│ ├─ + (count = 53.0)
│ │ ├─ + (count = 40.0)
│ │ │ ├─ + (count = 27.0)
│ │ │ │ ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ │ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ └─ + (count = 26.0)
│ │ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─ * (count = 13.0)
│ │ │ ├─ + (count = 13.0)
│ │ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(6, 1)
│ │ └─ * (count = 13.0)
│ │ ├─ + (count = 13.0)
│ │ │ ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─ + (count = 12.0)
│ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │
│ │ └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
│ └─ * (count = 5.0)
│ ├─ + (count = 5.0)
│ │ ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ │ ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │
│ │ └─ + (count = 4.0)
│ │ ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │
│ │ └─ + (count = 3.0)
│ │ ⋮
│ │
│ └─ * (count = 1.0)
│ ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
│ └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(6, 1)
└─ * (count = 18.0)
├─ + (count = 18.0)
│ ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ │ ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │
│ │ └─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(2, 1)
│ │ └─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ ⋮
│ │
│ └─ + (count = 17.0)
│ ├─ * (count = 4.0)
│ │ ├─ * (count = 4.0)
│ │ │ ⋮
│ │ │
│ │ └─ * (count = 1.0)
│ │ ⋮
│ │
│ └─ + (count = 13.0)
│ ├─ * (count = 4.0)
│ │ ⋮
│ │
│ └─ * (count = 9.0)
│ ⋮
└─ * (count = 1.0)
├─ * (count = 1.0)
│ ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(9, 1)
│ └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(9, 1)
└─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(9, 1)
Loading solutions to python
The following python script loads and unpacks the solutions as a numpy array from a :binary
format file.
import numpy as np
def loadfile(filename:str, bitlength:int):
C = int(np.ceil(bitlength / 64))
arr = np.fromfile(filename, dtype="uint8")
# Some axes should be transformed from big endian to little endian
res = np.unpackbits(arr).reshape(-1, C, 8, 8)[:,::-1,::-1,:]
res = res.reshape(-1, C*64)[:, :(64*C-bitlength)-1:-1]
print("number of solutions = %d"%(len(res)))
return res # in big endian format
res = loadfile(filename, 10)
Check section Maximal independent set problem for solution space properties related the maximal independent sets. That example also contains using cases of finding solution space properties related to minimum sizes:
for finding minimum several set sizes,CountingMin
for counting minimum several set sizes,SingleConfigMin
for finding one solution with minimum several sizes,ConfigsMin
for enumerating solutions with minimum several sizes,
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