Saving and Loading Solutions


When working with large solution spaces, it's often necessary to save results to disk for later analysis or to share with other tools. This example demonstrates how to:

  • Save and load configuration enumerators
  • Save and load sum-product trees
  • Export solutions for use in Python

We'll use the Maximum Independent Set problem on the Petersen graph as our example.

using GenericTensorNetworks, Graphs

Create our problem instance

problem = GenericTensorNetwork(IndependentSet(Graphs.smallgraph(:petersen)))
GenericTensorNetwork{IndependentSet{SimpleGraph{Int64}, Int64, UnitWeight}, OMEinsum.DynamicNestedEinsum{Int64}, Int64}
- open vertices: Int64[]
- fixed vertices: Dict{Int64, Int64}()
- contraction time = 2^8.044, space = 2^4.0, read-write = 2^8.758

Saving Configuration Enumerators

First, let's enumerate all independent sets

all_independent_sets = solve(problem, ConfigsAll())[]
{0000100110, 1000000110, 0000000110, 0000101100, 1000001100, 0000001100, 0000100100, 1000000100, 0000000100, 0010100010, 1010000010, 0010000010, 0010101000, 1010001000, 0010001000, 0010100000, 1010000000, 0010000000, 0000100010, 1000000010, 0000000010, 0000101000, 1000001000, 0000001000, 0000100000, 1000000000, 0000000000, 0100100110, 0100000110, 0100100100, 0100000100, 0100100010, 0100000010, 0100100000, 0100000000, 0010111000, 0010011000, 0010110000, 0010010000, 0000111000, 0000011000, 0000110000, 0000010000, 0100110000, 0100010000, 1001001100, 0001001100, 1001000100, 0001000100, 1001001000, 0001001000, 1001000000, 0001000000, 0101000100, 0101000000, 0001011000, 0001010000, 0101010000, 1010000011, 0010000011, 1010000001, 0010000001, 1000000011, 0000000011, 1000000001, 0000000001, 0100000011, 0100000001, 0010010001, 0000010001, 0100010001, 1001000001, 0001000001, 0101000001, 0001010001, 0101010001}

The result is a ConfigEnumerator instance containing all valid configurations. We can save this to disk and load it later:

Create a temporary file for demonstration

filename = tempname()

Save configurations in binary format (most efficient)

save_configs(filename, all_independent_sets; format=:binary)

Load configurations from the saved file

loaded_sets = load_configs(filename; format=:binary, bitlength=10)
{0000100110, 1000000110, 0000000110, 0000101100, 1000001100, 0000001100, 0000100100, 1000000100, 0000000100, 0010100010, 1010000010, 0010000010, 0010101000, 1010001000, 0010001000, 0010100000, 1010000000, 0010000000, 0000100010, 1000000010, 0000000010, 0000101000, 1000001000, 0000001000, 0000100000, 1000000000, 0000000000, 0100100110, 0100000110, 0100100100, 0100000100, 0100100010, 0100000010, 0100100000, 0100000000, 0010111000, 0010011000, 0010110000, 0010010000, 0000111000, 0000011000, 0000110000, 0000010000, 0100110000, 0100010000, 1001001100, 0001001100, 1001000100, 0001000100, 1001001000, 0001001000, 1001000000, 0001000000, 0101000100, 0101000000, 0001011000, 0001010000, 0101010000, 1010000011, 0010000011, 1010000001, 0010000001, 1000000011, 0000000011, 1000000001, 0000000001, 0100000011, 0100000001, 0010010001, 0000010001, 0100010001, 1001000001, 0001000001, 0101000001, 0001010001, 0101010001}

When loading data in binary format, you must specify the bitlength parameter, which represents the number of bits used for each configuration. In this example, the Petersen graph has 10 vertices, so we use bitlength=10.

Saving Sum-Product Trees

For larger solution spaces, the SumProductTree format is more memory-efficient. It stores solutions in a compressed tree structure:

Generate solutions using tree storage

all_independent_sets_tree = solve(problem, ConfigsAll(; tree_storage=true))[]
+ (count = 76.0)
├─ + (count = 75.0)
│  ├─ + (count = 74.0)
│  │  ├─ + (count = 73.0)
│  │  │  ├─ + (count = 71.0)
│  │  │  │  ├─ + (count = 70.0)
│  │  │  │  │  ⋮
│  │  │  │  │  
│  │  │  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │  │  │     ⋮
│  │  │  │     
│  │  │  └─ * (count = 2.0)
│  │  │     ├─ * (count = 2.0)
│  │  │     │  ⋮
│  │  │     │  
│  │  │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │  │        ⋮
│  │  │        
│  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │     ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │     │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │     │  │  ⋮
│  │     │  │  
│  │     │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │     │     ⋮
│  │     │     
│  │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │        ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │        │  ⋮
│  │        │  
│  │        └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)
│  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│     ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │  │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │  │  │  ⋮
│     │  │  │  
│     │  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │  │     ⋮
│     │  │     
│     │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │     ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)
│     │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │        ⋮
│     │        
│     └─ * (count = 1.0)
│        ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│        │  ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
│        │  └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
│        └─ * (count = 1.0)
│           ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(6, 1)
│           └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)
└─ * (count = 1.0)
   ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │  │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │  │  │  ⋮
   │  │  │  │  
   │  │  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │  │     ⋮
   │  │  │     
   │  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │     ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
   │  │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │        ⋮
   │  │        
   │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │     ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │     │  ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(2, 1)
   │     │  └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)
   │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │        ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
   │        └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(6, 1)
   └─ * (count = 1.0)
      ├─ * (count = 1.0)
      │  ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(2, 1)
      │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
      │     ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
      │     └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
      └─ * (count = 1.0)
         ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(6, 1)
         └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)

Save the sum-product tree

save_sumproduct(filename, all_independent_sets_tree)

Load the sum-product tree

loaded_sets_tree = load_sumproduct(filename)
+ (count = 76.0)
├─ + (count = 75.0)
│  ├─ + (count = 74.0)
│  │  ├─ + (count = 73.0)
│  │  │  ├─ + (count = 71.0)
│  │  │  │  ├─ + (count = 70.0)
│  │  │  │  │  ⋮
│  │  │  │  │  
│  │  │  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │  │  │     ⋮
│  │  │  │     
│  │  │  └─ * (count = 2.0)
│  │  │     ├─ * (count = 2.0)
│  │  │     │  ⋮
│  │  │     │  
│  │  │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │  │        ⋮
│  │  │        
│  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │     ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │     │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │     │  │  ⋮
│  │     │  │  
│  │     │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │     │     ⋮
│  │     │     
│  │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │        ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│  │        │  ⋮
│  │        │  
│  │        └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)
│  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│     ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │  │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │  │  │  ⋮
│     │  │  │  
│     │  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │  │     ⋮
│     │  │     
│     │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │     ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)
│     │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
│     │        ⋮
│     │        
│     └─ * (count = 1.0)
│        ├─ * (count = 1.0)
│        │  ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
│        │  └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
│        └─ * (count = 1.0)
│           ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(6, 1)
│           └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)
└─ * (count = 1.0)
   ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │  │  ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │  │  │  ⋮
   │  │  │  │  
   │  │  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │  │     ⋮
   │  │  │     
   │  │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │     ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
   │  │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │  │        ⋮
   │  │        
   │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │     ├─ * (count = 1.0)
   │     │  ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(2, 1)
   │     │  └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)
   │     └─ * (count = 1.0)
   │        ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
   │        └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(6, 1)
   └─ * (count = 1.0)
      ├─ * (count = 1.0)
      │  ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(2, 1)
      │  └─ * (count = 1.0)
      │     ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
      │     └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(4, 1)
      └─ * (count = 1.0)
         ├─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(6, 1)
         └─ OnehotVec{10, 2}(10, 1)

Interoperability with Python

The binary format can be loaded in Python for further analysis. Here's a Python function to load and unpack the solutions as a NumPy array:

import numpy as np

def loadfile(filename: str, bitlength: int):
    Load binary configuration data saved by GenericTensorNetworks.jl

    filename : str
        Path to the binary file
    bitlength : int
        Number of bits per configuration (typically number of vertices)

        2D array where each row is a configuration
    C = int(np.ceil(bitlength / 64))
    arr = np.fromfile(filename, dtype="uint8")
    # Transform from big endian to little endian
    res = np.unpackbits(arr).reshape(-1, C, 8, 8)[:,::-1,::-1,:]
    res = res.reshape(-1, C*64)[:, :(64*C-bitlength)-1:-1]
    print(f"Number of solutions: {len(res)}")
    return res  # in big endian format

# Example usage:
solutions = loadfile(filename, 10)

Additional Resources

For more examples of working with solution spaces:

  • See the Maximal Independent Set Problem section for examples of:
    • Using SizeMin to find minimum set sizes
    • Using CountingMin to count minimum set sizes
    • Using SingleConfigMin to find one minimum solution
    • Using ConfigsMin to enumerate all minimum solutions

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