Job Files for Complete Examples
To be able to run the complete examples without having to submit your program to hardware and wait, you'll need to download the associated job files. These files contain the results of running the program on the quantum hardware.
You can download the job files by clicking the "Download Job" button above. You'll then need to place
the job file in the data
directory that was created for you when you ran the import
part of the script (alternatively you can make the directory yourself, it should live at the same level as wherever you put this script).
Single Qubit Rabi Oscillations¶
In this example we show how to use Bloqade to emulate Rabi oscillations of a Neutral Atom and run it on hardware. We will define a Rabi oscillation as a sequence with a constant detuning and Rabi frequency. In practice, the Rabi frequency has to start and end at 0.0, so we will use a piecewise linear function to ramp up and down the Rabi frequency.
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from bloqade.analog import cast, load, save, start
if not os.path.isdir("data"):
Define the program.¶
Below we define program with one atom, with constant detuning but variable Rabi
frequency, ramping up to "rabi_ampl" and then returning to 0.0. Note that the cast
function can be used to create a variable that can used in multiple places in the
program. These variables support basic arithmetic operations, such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division. They also have min
and max
that can be used in place of built-in python min
and max
functions, e.g.
durations = cast(["ramp_time", "run_time", "ramp_time"])
rabi_oscillations_program = (
start.add_position((0, 0))
durations=durations, values=[0, "rabi_ampl", "rabi_ampl", 0]
.detuning.uniform.constant(duration=sum(durations), value="detuning_value")
Assign values to the variables in the program,¶
Once your program is built, you can use the assign
method to assign values to the
variables in the program. These values must be numeric, and can be either int
, or Decimal
(from the decimal
module). Note that the Decimal
is used to represent real numbers exactly, whereas float
is a 64-bit floating
point number that is only accurate to about 15 decimal places. The Decimal
type is recommended for Bloqade programs, as it will ensure that your program
is simulated and run with the highest possible precision. We can also do a parameter
scan using the batch_assign
method, which will create a different program for each
value provided in the list. In this case, we are sweeping the run_time
which is the time that the Rabi amplitude stays at the value of rabi_ampl
run_times = np.linspace(0, 3, 101)
rabi_oscillation_job = rabi_oscillations_program.assign(
ramp_time=0.06, rabi_ampl=15, detuning_value=0.0
Run Emulator and Hardware¶
To run the program on the emulator we can select the bloqade
provider as a property
of the batch
object. Bloqade has its own emulator that we can use to run the program.
To do this select python()
as the next option followed by the run
Then we dump the results to a file so that we can use them later. Note that unlike the
actual hardware the shots do not correspond to multiple executions of the emulator,
but rather the number of times the final wavefunction is sampled. This is because the
emulator does not simulate any noise.
emu_filename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), "data", "rabi-emulation.json")
if not os.path.isfile(emu_filename):
emu_batch = rabi_oscillation_job.bloqade.python().run(10000)
save(emu_batch, emu_filename)
When running on the hardware we can use the braket
provider. However, we will need
to specify the device to run on. In this case we will use Aquila via the aquila
method. Before that we must note that because Aquila can support up to 256 atoms in
an area that is $75 \times 76 \mu m^2$. We need to make full use of the capabilities
of the device. Bloqade automatically takes care of this with the parallelize
which will allow us to run multiple copies of the program in parallel using the full
user provided area of Aquila. The parallelize
method takes a single argument, which
is the distance between each copy of the program on a grid. In this case, we want to
make sure that the distance between each atom is at least 24 micrometers, so that the
Rydberg interactions between atoms are negligible.
To run the program but not wait for the results, we can use the run_async
which will return a Batch
object that can be used to fetch the results later. After
running the program, we dump the results to a file so that we can use them later. Note
that if you want to wait for the results in the python script just call the run
method instead of run_async
. This will block the script until all results in the
batch are complete.
Hardware Execution Cost
For this particular program, 101 tasks are generated with each task having 1000 shots, amounting to USD \$1040.30 on AWS Braket.
hardware_filename = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(""), "data", "rabi-job.json")
if not os.path.isfile(hardware_filename):
batch = rabi_oscillation_job.parallelize(24).braket.aquila().run_async(1000)
save(batch, hardware_filename)
Plotting the Results¶
The quantity of interest in this example is the probability of finding the atom
in the Rydberg state, which is given by the 0
measurement outcome. The reason
that 0
is the Rydberg state is because the in the actual device the Rydberg
atoms are pushed out of the trap area and show up as a dark spot in the image.
To get the probability of being in the Rydberg state, we can use the bitstrings
method of the Report
object, which returns a list of numpy arrays containing
the measurement outcomes for each shot. We can then use the mean
method of
the numpy array to get the probability of being in the Rydberg state for each
shot. We can then plot the results as a function of time. the time value can be
obtained from the run_time
parameter of the Report
object as a list.
before that we need to load the results from our previously saved files using
the load
function from bloqade.analog:
emu_batch = load(emu_filename)
hardware_batch = load(hardware_filename)
# hardware_batch.fetch()
# save(filename, hardware_batch)
hardware_report =
emulator_report =
times = emulator_report.list_param("run_time")
density = [1 - ele.mean() for ele in emulator_report.bitstrings()]
plt.plot(times, density, color="#878787", marker=".", label="Emulator")
times = hardware_report.list_param("run_time")
density = [1 - ele.mean() for ele in hardware_report.bitstrings()]
plt.plot(times, density, color="#6437FF", linewidth=4, label="QPU")
plt.xlabel("Time ($\mu s$)")
plt.ylabel("Rydberg population")
<>:12: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m' <>:12: SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m' /tmp/ipykernel_2044/ SyntaxWarning: invalid escape sequence '\m' plt.xlabel("Time ($\mu s$)")