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Quick Start

All the sections below are self-contained, you can click on the links in the Table of Contents to read the relevant parts.

As you develop your Bloqade program, you are expected to rely on pop-up "hints" provided in your development environment to help you determine what the next part of your program should be.

VS Code

In VS Code this is automatic, just type the . and see what options pop up:

VSCode Hints

JetBrains PyCharm

The same goes for JetBrains PyCharm:

PyCharm Hints

Jupyter Notebook

In a Jupyter Notebook you'll need to type . and then hit tab for the hints to appear:

Jupyter Hints


The same goes for IPython:

IPython Hints

Defining Atom Geometry

You can import pre-defined geometries based on Bravais lattices from bloqade.atom_arrangement. You may also specify a lattice spacing which dictates the spacing between the atoms as well as the number of atom sites in a certain direction.

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Square, Kagome

simple_geometry = Square(2, 4, lattice_spacing = 4.0)
more_complex_geometry = Kagome(2, 2, lattice_spacing = 2.0)

You can easily visualize your geometries as well with .show():
IPython Hints

You can also add positions to a pre-defined geometry:

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Square

base_geometry = Square(2)
geometry_with_my_positions = base_geometry.add_position([(10,10), (20,20)])

As well as apply defects via .apply_defect_density. In the example below we apply a defect with a probability of 0.2:

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Square, Kagome

more_complex_geometry = Kagome(2, 2, lattice_spacing = 2.0)
defective_geometry = more_complex_geometry.apply_defect_density(0.2)

Or if you want to completely roll out your own atom geometry from scratch just use add_position by itself:

from bloqade import start

my_geometry = start.add_position([(1,2), (3,4), (5,6)])

Building Waveforms

After you've defined a geometry you:

  • Specify which level coupling to drive: rydberg or hyperfine
  • Specify detuning, rabi.amplitude or rabi.phase
  • Specify the spatial modulation

Which then leads you to the ability to specify a waveform of interest and begin constructing your pulse sequence. In the example below, we target the ground-Rydberg level coupling to drive with uniform spatial modulation for the Rabi amplitude. Our waveform is a piecewise linear one which ramps from \(0\) to \(5 \,\text{rad/us}\), holds that value for \(1 \,\text{us}\) and then ramps back down to \(0 \,\text{rad/us}\).

from bloqade import start

geometry = start.add_position((0,0))
target_rabi_amplitude = geometry.rydberg.rabi.amplitude.uniform
waveform_applied = (
    .piecewise_linear(durations = [0.06, 1, 0.06], values = [0, 5, 5, 0])

You aren't restricted to just piecewise linear waveforms however, you can also specify:

  • linear - Define a transition from one value to another over a duration
  • constant - Define a fixed value over a duration
  • piecewise_constant - Define a step-wise function with specific durations for each step
  • poly - Define a polynomial waveform using coefficients over a duration

Arbitrary Functions as Waveforms

For more complex waveforms it may provide to be tedious trying to chain together a large number of piecewise_constant or piecewise_linear methods and instead easier to just define the waveform as a function of time.

Bloqade lets you easily plug in an arbitrary function with .fn:

from bloqade import start
from math import sin

geometry = start.add_position((0,0))
target_rabi_amplitude = geometry.rydberg.rabi.amplitude.uniform

def custom_waveform(t):
    return 2.0 * sin(t)

custom_waveform_applied = (
    .fn(custom_waveform, duration = 3.0)

In this form you can immediately emulate it if you'd like but to run this on hardware you need to discretize it. The waveform on hardware has to either be:

  • Piecewise linear for Rabi amplitude and detuning terms of the Hamiltonian
  • Piecewise constant for the Phase term of the Hamiltonian

Bloqade can automatically perform this conversion with sample(), all you need to do is specify the kind of interpolation and the size of the discretization step in time. Below we set the step duration to be \(0.05 \,\text{us}\) with "linear" interpolation to give us a resulting piecewise linear waveform.

custom_discretized_waveform_applied = (
    .fn(custom_waveform, duration = 3.0)
    .sample(0.05, "linear")


Programs that have custom functions as waveforms are not fully serializable. This means that when you are saving and reloading results, the original embedded program will be missing that custom waveform. You will still be able to analyze the saved results!

Slicing and Recording Waveforms

When you conduct parameter sweeps with your program, you may want to sweep over your program across time. This will require "slicing" your waveforms, where you define the waveform of interest and then, using a variable with .slice, indicate the times at which the waveform duration should be cut short.

In the example below we define a simple piecewise linear waveform but slice it starting from a time duration of \(0 \,\text{us}\) to values between \(1\) to \(2 \,\text{us}\).

from bloqade import start
import numpy as np

sliced_program = (
    start.add_position((0, 0))
        durations=[0.5, 2.5, 0.5], values=[0, 3.0, 3.0, 0]
    ).slice(start=0, stop="run_time")

run_times = np.linspace(1.0, 2.0, 10)
vars_assigned_program = sliced_program.batch_assign(run_time=run_times)

This program will run fine in emulation but due to hardware constraints certain waveforms (such as those targeting the Rabi Amplitude), the waveform needs to start and end at \(0 \,\text{rad}/\text{us}\). Thus, there needs to be a way to slice our waveform but also add an end component to that waveform. .record in Bloqade lets you literally "record" the value at the end of a .slice and then use it to construct further parts of the waveform.

In the program below the waveform is still sliced but with the help of .record a linear segment that pulls the waveform down to \(0.0 \,\text{rad}/\text{us}\) from whatever its current value at the slice is in \(0.7 \,\text{us}\) is added.

from bloqade import start
import numpy as np

sliced_program = (
    start.add_position((0, 0))
        durations=[0.5, 2.5, 0.5], values=[0, 3.0, 3.0, 0]
    ).slice(start=0, stop="run_time")
    .linear("rabi_value", 0.0, 0.7)

run_times = np.linspace(1.0, 2.0, 10)
vars_assigned_program = sliced_program.batch_assign(run_time=run_times)

Waveforms with No Geometry

If you have multiple atom geometries you'd like to apply a pulse sequence to or you simply don't want to worry about what atom geometry to start with, you can just build straight off of start:

from bloqade import start

pulse_sequence = (
    .constant(value=1.0, duration=1.0)

You can visualize your sequence as well with .show():

And when you're content with it you just .apply() it on the geometries of your choice:

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Honeycomb, Kagome

geometry_1 = Honeycomb(2, lattice_spacing = 6.0)
geometry_2 = Kagome(2, lattice_spacing = 6.0)

program_1  = geometry_1.apply(pulse_sequence)
program_2  = geometry_2.apply(pulse_sequence)


When you've completed the definition of your program you can use Bloqade's own emulator to get results. The emulation performs the time evolution of the analog Rydberg Hamiltonian. Here we say we want to the program to be run and measurements obtained 1000 times.

results = your_program.bloqade.python().run(1000)


If your atoms are particularly close together or the ODE solver gives you the following message:

RuntimeError: DOP853/DOPRI5: Problem is probably stiff (interrupted).

In which case you will need to specify the interaction_picture=True argument:

results = your_program.bloqade.python().run(1000, interaction_picture=True)

Submitting to Hardware

To submit your program to hardware ensure you have your AWS Braket credentials loaded. You will need to use the AWS CLI to do this.

Then it's just a matter of selecting the Aquila on Braket backend. Before going any further Bloqade provides two options for running your program on actual hardware:

  • Using .run is blocking, meaning you will not be able to execute anything else while Bloqade waits for results
  • Using .run_async lets you submit to hardware and continue any further execution, while also letting you query the status of your program in the queue.

In the example below we use .run_async to specify the program should be run and measurements obtained 1000 times.

async_results = your_program.braket.aquila().run_async(1000)

We can see the status of our program via:

Which gives us the Task ID, a unique identifier for the task as well as the status of the task. In the example below the task is Enqueued meaning it has been successfully created and is awaiting execution on the cloud. When the task is actually running on hardware, the status will change to Running.
                                             task ID    status  shots
0  arn:aws:braket:us-east-1:XXXXXXXXXXXX:quantum-...  Enqueued    100

Analyzing Results

When you've retrieved your results from either emulation or hardware you can generate a .report():

report =

For the examples below we analyze the results of a two atom program.

The report contains useful information such as:

  • The raw bitstrings measured per each execution of the program

    [array([[1, 1],
            [1, 1],
            [1, 1],
            [1, 1],
            [1, 1],
            [1, 0]], dtype=int8)]

  • The number of times each unique bitstring occurred:

    [OrderedDict([('11', 892), ('10', 59), ('01', 49)])]

  • The Rydberg Density for each atom

                     0      1
    0            0.053  0.054

And can also provide useful visual information such as the state of your atoms and the bitstring distribution via:

Parameter Sweeps

You can easily do parameter sweeps in emulation and on Aquila with variables. Bloqade automatically detects strings in your program as variables that you can later assign singular or multiple values to.

In the example below, we define a program with a singular variable that controls the amplitude of the waveform.

from bloqade import start

rabi_oscillations_program = (
    start.add_position((0, 0))
        durations=[0.06, 3, 0.06],
        values=[0, "rabi_amplitude", "rabi_amplitude", 0]

We can assign a single fixed value to the variable:

single_value_assignment = rabi_oscillations_program.assign(rabi_amplitude=3.5)

Or, to perform a sweep, we use .batch_assign:

import numpy as np
rabi_amplitudes = np.linspace(1.0, 2.0, 20)

multiple_value_assignment = rabi_oscillations_program.batch_assign(rabi_amplitude=rabi_amplitudes)

This will actually create multiple versions of the program internally, with each program assigned a fixed value from the sweep. Bloqade will automatically handle the compilation of results from these multiple programs in order, meaning there is no major departure from what you saw in analyzing the results of your program.

You can also delay assignment of a value to a variable by first declaring it in .args() and then passing a value when you call run:

delayed_assignment_program = rabi_oscillations_program.args(["rabi_amplitude"])
results = delayed_assignment_program.bloqade.python().run(100, args=(1.0,))

You can alternatively treat the program as a callable after using .args() (note the inverted order of arguments in the call!):

delayed_assignment_program = rabi_oscillations_program.args(["rabi_amplitude"])
callable_program = delayed_assignment_program.bloqade.python()
results = callable_program(1.0, shots=100)

Variables aren't just restricted to having values assigned to them, you can also symbolically manipulate them!

Symbolic Parameters

Variables in Bloqade can also be symbolically manipulated, giving you even more flexibility when you construct your program.

In the example below, we externally declare a variable my_var that then has some arithmetic done on it to allow it to have a different value in a later part of the program:

from bloqade import start, var

my_var = var("my_variable")
waveform_durations = [0.6, 1.0, 0.6]

geometry = start.add_position((0,0))
target_rabi_amplitude = geometry.rydberg.rabi.amplitude.uniform
rabi_waveform = (
                      values=[0.0, my_var, my_var, 0.0])
target_detuning = rabi_waveform.detuning.uniform
detuning_waveform = (
                      values=[my_var-1.0, my_var*0.5, my_var/2, my_var+1.0 ])

You still perform variable assignment just like you normally would:

program = detuning_waveform.assign(my_variable=1.0)

You can also use Python's built-in sum if you want the sum of multiple variables as a value in your program. This is quite useful when it comes to needing to indicate a full duration for a waveform that doesn't need to be split up:

from bloqade import start, var

variable_durations = var(["a", "b", "c"])

geometry = start.add_position((0,0))
target_rabi_amplitude = geometry.rydberg.rabi.amplitude.uniform
rabi_waveform = (
                      values=[0.0, 1.5, 1.5, 0.0])
target_detuning = rabi_waveform.detuning.uniform
detuning_waveform = (
We later assign values and Bloqade will automatically handle the summation:

program = detuning_waveform.assign(a=0.5, b=1.2, c=0.5)

Saving and Loading Results

You can save your results in JSON format using Bloqade's save function:

from bloqade import start, save

your_program = ...
emulation_results = your_program.bloqade.python().run(100)
hardware_results = your_program.braket.aquila.run_async(100)

save(emulation_results, "emulation_results.json")
save(hardware_results, "hardware_results.json")

And later reload them into Python using the load function:

from bloqade import load
emulation_results = load("emulation_results.json")
hardware_results = load("hardware_results.json")