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Atom arrangement



Bases: ProgramStart

Source code in src/bloqade/analog/builder/
def __init__(
    parent: Optional["Builder"] = None,
) -> None:
    self.__parent__ = parent

n_atoms property


number of atoms (filled sites) in the register.

n_dims property


number of dimensions in the register.

n_sites property


number of sites in the register.

n_vacant property


number of vacant sites in the register.


add_position(position, filling=None)

Add a position or multiple positions to a pre-existing geometry.

add_position is capable of accepting: - A single tuple for one atom coordinate: (1.0, 2.5) - A list of tuples: `[(0.0, 1.0), (2.0,1.5), etc.] - A numpy array of shape (N, 2) where N is the number of atoms

You may also intersperse variables anywhere a value may be present.

You can also pass in an optional argument which determines the atom "filling" (whether or not at a specified coordinate an atom should be present).

Usage Example:
# single coordinate
>>> reg = start.add_position((0,0))
# you may chain add_position calls
>>> reg_plus_two = reg.add_position([(2,2),(5.0, 2.1)])
# you can add variables anywhere a value may be present
>>> reg_with_var = reg_plus_two.add_position(("x", "y"))
# and specify your atom fillings
>>> reg_with_filling = reg_with_var.add_position([(3.1, 0.0), (4.1, 2.2)],
[True, False])
# alternatively you could use one boolean to specify
# all coordinates should be empty/filled
>>> reg_with_more_filling = reg_with_filling.add_positions([(3.1, 2.9),
(5.2, 2.2)], False)
  • Next possible steps are:
  • Continuing to build your geometry via:
    • ...add_position(positions).add_position(positions): to add more positions
    • ...add_position(positions).apply_defect_count(n_defects): to randomly drop out n_atoms
    • ...add_position(positions).apply_defect_density(defect_probability): to drop out atoms with a certain probability
    • ...add_position(positions).scale(scale): to scale the geometry
  • Targeting a level coupling once you're done with the atom geometry:
    • ...add_position(positions).rydberg: to specify Rydberg coupling
    • ...add_position(positions).hyperfine: to specify Hyperfine coupling
  • Visualizing your atom geometry:
    • ...add_position(positions).show(): shows your geometry in your web browser
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def add_position(
    position: Union[
        List[Tuple[ScalarType, ScalarType]],
        Tuple[ScalarType, ScalarType],
    filling: Optional[Union[BoolArray, List[bool], bool]] = None,
) -> "ListOfLocations":
    Add a position or multiple positions to a pre-existing geometry.

    `add_position` is capable of accepting:
    - A single tuple for one atom coordinate: `(1.0, 2.5)`
    - A list of tuples: `[(0.0, 1.0), (2.0,1.5), etc.]
    - A numpy array of shape (N, 2) where N is the number of atoms

    You may also intersperse variables anywhere a value may be present.

    You can also pass in an optional argument which determines the atom "filling"
    (whether or not at a specified coordinate an atom should be present).

    ### Usage Example:
    # single coordinate
    >>> reg = start.add_position((0,0))
    # you may chain add_position calls
    >>> reg_plus_two = reg.add_position([(2,2),(5.0, 2.1)])
    # you can add variables anywhere a value may be present
    >>> reg_with_var = reg_plus_two.add_position(("x", "y"))
    # and specify your atom fillings
    >>> reg_with_filling = reg_with_var.add_position([(3.1, 0.0), (4.1, 2.2)],
    [True, False])
    # alternatively you could use one boolean to specify
    # all coordinates should be empty/filled
    >>> reg_with_more_filling = reg_with_filling.add_positions([(3.1, 2.9),
    (5.2, 2.2)], False)

    - Next possible steps are:
    - Continuing to build your geometry via:
        - `...add_position(positions).add_position(positions)`:
            to add more positions
        - `...add_position(positions).apply_defect_count(n_defects)`:
        to randomly drop out n_atoms
        - `...add_position(positions).apply_defect_density(defect_probability)`:
        to drop out atoms with a certain probability
        - `...add_position(positions).scale(scale)`: to scale the geometry
    - Targeting a level coupling once you're done with the atom geometry:
        - `...add_position(positions).rydberg`: to specify Rydberg coupling
        - `...add_position(positions).hyperfine`: to specify Hyperfine coupling
    - Visualizing your atom geometry:
        - `...add_position(positions).show()`:
        shows your geometry in your web browser


    if is_bearable(position, PositionArray) and is_bearable(
        filling, Optional[BoolArray]
        return self.add_position_ndarray(position, filling)
    elif is_bearable(position, List[Tuple[ScalarType, ScalarType]]) and is_bearable(
        filling, Optional[List[bool]]
        return self.add_position_list_tuples(position, filling)
    elif is_bearable(position, Tuple[ScalarType, ScalarType]) and is_bearable(
        filling, Optional[bool]
        return self.add_position_single_tupe(position, filling)
        raise TypeError("Invalid input types for add_position provided!")


apply_defect_count(n_defects, rng=np.random.default_rng())

Drop n_defects atoms from the geometry randomly. Internally this occurs by setting certain sites to have a SiteFilling set to false indicating no atom is present at the coordinate.

A default numpy-based Random Number Generator is used but you can explicitly override this by passing in your own.

Usage Example:
>>> from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Chain
>>> import numpy as np
# set a custom seed for a numpy-based RNG
>>> custom_rng = np.random.default_rng(888)
# randomly remove two atoms from the geometry
>>> reg = Chain(11).apply_defect_count(2, custom_rng)
# you may also chain apply_defect_count calls
>>> reg.apply_defect_count(2, custom_rng)
# you can also use apply_defect_count on custom geometries
>>> from bloqade import start
>>> start.add_position([(0,0), (1,1)]).apply_defect_count(1, custom_rng)
  • Next possible steps are:
  • Continuing to build your geometry via:
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).add_position(positions): to add more positions
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts) .apply_defect_count(n_defects): to randomly drop out n_atoms
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts) .apply_defect_density(defect_probability): to drop out atoms with a certain probability
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).scale(scale): to scale the geometry
  • Targeting a level coupling once you're done with the atom geometry:
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).rydberg: to specify Rydberg coupling
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).hyperfine: to specify Hyperfine coupling
  • Visualizing your atom geometry:
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).show(): shows your geometry in your web browser
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def apply_defect_count(
    self, n_defects: int, rng: np.random.Generator = np.random.default_rng()
    Drop `n_defects` atoms from the geometry randomly. Internally this occurs
    by setting certain sites to have a SiteFilling set to false indicating
    no atom is present at the coordinate.

    A default numpy-based Random Number Generator is used but you can
    explicitly override this by passing in your own.

    ### Usage Example:

    >>> from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Chain
    >>> import numpy as np
    # set a custom seed for a numpy-based RNG
    >>> custom_rng = np.random.default_rng(888)
    # randomly remove two atoms from the geometry
    >>> reg = Chain(11).apply_defect_count(2, custom_rng)
    # you may also chain apply_defect_count calls
    >>> reg.apply_defect_count(2, custom_rng)
    # you can also use apply_defect_count on custom geometries
    >>> from bloqade import start
    >>> start.add_position([(0,0), (1,1)]).apply_defect_count(1, custom_rng)

    - Next possible steps are:
    - Continuing to build your geometry via:
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).add_position(positions)`:
            to add more positions
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts)
            .apply_defect_count(n_defects)`: to randomly drop out n_atoms
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts)
            to drop out atoms with a certain probability
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).scale(scale)`:
            to scale the geometry
    - Targeting a level coupling once you're done with the atom geometry:
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).rydberg`: to specify
            Rydberg coupling
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).hyperfine`:
            to specify Hyperfine coupling
    - Visualizing your atom geometry:
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).show()`:
            shows your geometry in your web browser

    location_list = []
    for location_info in self.enumerate():

    filled_sites = []

    for index, location_info in enumerate(location_list):
        if location_info.filling is SiteFilling.filled:

    if n_defects >= len(filled_sites):
        raise ValueError(
            f"n_defects {n_defects} must be less than the number of filled sites "

    for _ in range(n_defects):
        index = rng.choice(filled_sites)
        location_list[index] = LocationInfo.create(
            (False if location_list[index].filling is SiteFilling.filled else True),

    return ListOfLocations(location_list)


    defect_probability, rng=np.random.default_rng()

Drop atoms randomly with defect_probability probability (range of 0 to 1). Internally this occurs by setting certain sites to have a SiteFilling set to false indicating no atom is present at the coordinate.

A default numpy-based Random Number Generator is used but you can explicitly override this by passing in your own.

Usage Example:
>>> from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Chain
>>> import numpy as np
# set a custom seed for a numpy-based RNG
>>> custom_rng = np.random.default_rng(888)
# randomly remove two atoms from the geometry
>>> reg = Chain(11).apply_defect_density(0.2, custom_rng)
# you may also chain apply_defect_density calls
>>> reg.apply_defect_count(0.1, custom_rng)
# you can also use apply_defect_density on custom geometries
>>> from bloqade import start
>>> start.add_position([(0,0), (1,1)])
.apply_defect_density(0.5, custom_rng)
  • Next possible steps are:
  • Continuing to build your geometry via:
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).add_position(positions): to add more positions
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).apply_defect_count(n_defects): to randomly drop out n_atoms
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts) .apply_defect_density(defect_probability): to drop out atoms with a certain probability
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).scale(scale): to scale the geometry
  • Targeting a level coupling once you're done with the atom geometry:
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).rydberg: to specify Rydberg coupling
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).hyperfine: to specify Hyperfine coupling
  • Visualizing your atom geometry:
    • ...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).show(): shows your geometry in your web browser
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def apply_defect_density(
    defect_probability: float,
    rng: np.random.Generator = np.random.default_rng(),
    Drop atoms randomly with `defect_probability` probability (range of 0 to 1).
    Internally this occurs by setting certain sites to have a SiteFilling
    set to false indicating no atom is present at the coordinate.

    A default numpy-based Random Number Generator is used but you can
    explicitly override this by passing in your own.

    ### Usage Example:

    >>> from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Chain
    >>> import numpy as np
    # set a custom seed for a numpy-based RNG
    >>> custom_rng = np.random.default_rng(888)
    # randomly remove two atoms from the geometry
    >>> reg = Chain(11).apply_defect_density(0.2, custom_rng)
    # you may also chain apply_defect_density calls
    >>> reg.apply_defect_count(0.1, custom_rng)
    # you can also use apply_defect_density on custom geometries
    >>> from bloqade import start
    >>> start.add_position([(0,0), (1,1)])
    .apply_defect_density(0.5, custom_rng)

    - Next possible steps are:
    - Continuing to build your geometry via:
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).add_position(positions)`:
        to add more positions
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).apply_defect_count(n_defects)`:
        to randomly drop out n_atoms
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts)
        to drop out atoms with a certain probability
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).scale(scale)`:
        to scale the geometry
    - Targeting a level coupling once you're done with the atom geometry:
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).rydberg`:
        to specify Rydberg coupling
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).hyperfine`:
        to specify Hyperfine coupling
    - Visualizing your atom geometry:
        - `...apply_defect_count(defect_counts).show()`:
        shows your geometry in your web browser

    p = min(1, max(0, defect_probability))
    location_list = []

    for location_info in self.enumerate():
        if rng.random() < p:
                        if location_info.filling is SiteFilling.filled
                        else True

    return ListOfLocations(location_list=location_list)



enumerate all locations in the register.

Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def enumerate(self) -> Generator[LocationInfo, None, None]:
    """enumerate all locations in the register."""
    raise NotImplementedError


figure(fig_kwargs=None, **assignments)

obtain a figure object from the atom arrangement.

Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def figure(self, fig_kwargs=None, **assignments):
    """obtain a figure object from the atom arrangement."""
    return get_atom_arrangement_figure(self, fig_kwargs=fig_kwargs, **assignments)



calculate the Rydberg interaction matrix.


Name Type Description Default

the values to assign to the variables in the register.



Name Type Description
NDArray NDArray

the Rydberg interaction matrix in the lower triangular form.

Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def rydberg_interaction(self, **assignments) -> NDArray:
    """calculate the Rydberg interaction matrix.

        **assignments: the values to assign to the variables in the register.

        NDArray: the Rydberg interaction matrix in the lower triangular form.


    from bloqade.analog.constants import RB_C6

    # calculate the Interaction matrix
    V_ij = np.zeros((self.n_sites, self.n_sites))
    for i, site_i in enumerate(self.enumerate()):
        pos_i = np.array([float(ele(**assignments)) for ele in site_i.position])

        for j, site_j in enumerate(self.enumerate()):
            if j >= i:
                break  # enforce lower triangular form

            pos_j = np.array([float(ele(**assignments)) for ele in site_j.position])
            r_ij = np.linalg.norm(pos_i - pos_j)

            V_ij[i, j] = RB_C6 / r_ij**6

    return V_ij



Scale the geometry of your atoms.

Usage Example:
>>> reg = start.add_position([(0,0), (1,1)])
# atom positions are now (0,0), (2,2)
>>> new_reg = reg.scale(2)
# you may also use scale on pre-defined geometries
>>> from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Chain
# atoms in the chain will now be 2 um apart versus
# the default 1 um
>>> Chain(11).scale(2)
  • Next possible steps are:
  • Continuing to build your geometry via:
    • ...add_position(positions).add_position(positions): to add more positions
    • ...add_position(positions).apply_defect_count(n_defects): to randomly drop out n_atoms
    • ...add_position(positions).apply_defect_density(defect_probability): to drop out atoms with a certain probability
    • ...add_position(positions).scale(scale): to scale the geometry
  • Targeting a level coupling once you're done with the atom geometry:
    • ...add_position(positions).rydberg: to specify Rydberg coupling
    • ...add_position(positions).hyperfine: to specify Hyperfine coupling
  • Visualizing your atom geometry:
    • ...add_position(positions).show(): shows your geometry in your web browser
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def scale(self, scale: ScalarType):
    Scale the geometry of your atoms.

    ### Usage Example:
    >>> reg = start.add_position([(0,0), (1,1)])
    # atom positions are now (0,0), (2,2)
    >>> new_reg = reg.scale(2)
    # you may also use scale on pre-defined geometries
    >>> from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Chain
    # atoms in the chain will now be 2 um apart versus
    # the default 1 um
    >>> Chain(11).scale(2)

    - Next possible steps are:
    - Continuing to build your geometry via:
        - `...add_position(positions).add_position(positions)`:
            to add more positions
        - `...add_position(positions).apply_defect_count(n_defects)`:
        to randomly drop out n_atoms
        - `...add_position(positions).apply_defect_density(defect_probability)`:
        to drop out atoms with a certain probability
        - `...add_position(positions).scale(scale)`: to scale the geometry
    - Targeting a level coupling once you're done with the atom geometry:
        - `...add_position(positions).rydberg`:
        to specify Rydberg coupling
        - `...add_position(positions).hyperfine`:
        to specify Hyperfine coupling
    - Visualizing your atom geometry:
        - `...add_position(positions).show()`:
        shows your geometry in your web browser


    scale = cast(scale)
    location_list = []
    for location_info in self.enumerate():
        x, y = location_info.position
        new_position = (scale * x, scale * y)
            LocationInfo.create(new_position, bool(location_info.filling.value))

    return ListOfLocations(location_list)


Chain(L, *, lattice_spacing=1.0, vertical_chain=False)

Bases: BoundedBravais

Chain lattice.

  • 1D lattice
  • primitive (cell) vector(s)
    • a1 = (1,0).
  • unit cell (1 atom(s))
    • loc (0,0)


Name Type Description Default
L int

number of sites in the chain

lattice_spacing (Scalar, Real)

lattice spacing. Defaults to 1.0.

  • Possible Next: continue with . to see possible next step in auto-prompt supported setting (IPython, IDE ...)
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def __init__(
    self, L: int, *, lattice_spacing: ScalarType = 1.0, vertical_chain: bool = False
    self.L = L
    self.lattice_spacing = cast(lattice_spacing)
    self.vertical_chain = vertical_chain


Honeycomb(L1, L2=None, *, lattice_spacing=1.0)

Bases: BoundedBravais

Honeycomb lattice.

  • 2D lattice
  • primitive (cell) vector(s)
    • a1 = (1, 0)
    • a2 = (½, sqrt(3)/2)
  • unit cell (2 atom(s))
    • loc1 (0, 0)
    • loc2 (½, 1/(2*sqrt(3))


Name Type Description Default
L1 int

number of unit cells in linear direction. n_atoms = L1 * L1 * 2.

L2 Optional[int]

number of unit cells in direction a2. n_atoms = L1 * L2 * 2, default is L1.

lattice_spacing (Scalar, Real)

lattice spacing. Defaults to 1.0.

  • Possible Next: continue with . to see possible next step in auto-prompt supported setting (IPython, IDE ...)
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def __init__(
    self, L1: int, L2: Optional[int] = None, *, lattice_spacing: ScalarType = 1.0
    if L2 is None:
        L2 = L1

    self.L1 = L1
    self.L2 = L2
    self.lattice_spacing = cast(lattice_spacing)



Kagome(L1, L2=None, *, lattice_spacing=1.0)

Bases: BoundedBravais

Kagome lattice.

  • 2D lattice
  • primitive (cell) vector(s)
    • a1 = (1, 0)
    • a2 = (½, sqrt(3)/2)
  • unit cell (3 atom(s))
    • loc1 (0, 0)
    • loc2 (0.5, 0)
    • loc3 (0.25 ,0.25sqrt(3))


Name Type Description Default
L1 int

number of sites in linear direction. n_atoms = 3 * L1 * L1.

L2 Optional[int]

number of unit cells along a2 direction, n_atoms = 3 * L1 * L2, default is L1.

lattice_spacing (Scalar, Real)

lattice spacing. Defaults to 1.0.

  • Possible Next: continue with . to see possible next step in auto-prompt supported setting (IPython, IDE ...)
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def __init__(
    self, L1: int, L2: Optional[int] = None, *, lattice_spacing: ScalarType = 1.0
    if L2 is None:
        L2 = L1

    self.L1 = L1
    self.L2 = L2
    self.lattice_spacing = cast(lattice_spacing)


Lieb(L1, L2=None, *, lattice_spacing=1.0)

Bases: BoundedBravais

Lieb lattice.

  • 2D lattice
  • primitive (cell) vector(s)
    • a1 = (1, 0)
    • a2 = (0, 1)
  • unit cell (3 atom(s))
    • loc1 (0, 0)
    • loc2 (0.5, 0)
    • loc3 (0 ,0.5)


Name Type Description Default
L1 int

number of unit cells in linear direction. n_atoms = 3* L1 * L1.

L2 Optional[int]

number of unit cells along a2 direction, n_atoms = 3 * L1 * L2, default is L1.

lattice_spacing (Scalar, Real)

lattice spacing. Defaults to 1.0.

  • Possible Next: continue with . to see possible next step in auto-prompt supported setting (IPython, IDE ...)
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def __init__(
    self, L1: int, L2: Optional[int] = None, *, lattice_spacing: ScalarType = 1.0
    if L2 is None:
        L2 = L1
    self.L1 = L1
    self.L2 = L2
    self.lattice_spacing = cast(lattice_spacing)



Bases: BoundedBravais

Rectangular lattice.

  • 2D lattice
  • primitive (cell) vector(s)
    • a1 = (1,0)
    • a2 = (0,1)
  • unit cell (1 atom(s))
    • loc (0,0)


Name Type Description Default
width int

number of sites in x direction.

height int

number of sites in y direction.

lattice_spacing_x (Scalar, Real)

lattice spacing. Defaults to 1.0.

lattice_spacing_y (Scalar, Real)

lattice spacing in y direction. optional.

  • Possible Next: continue with . to see possible next step in auto-prompt supported setting (IPython, IDE ...)
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def __init__(
    width: int,
    height: int,
    lattice_spacing_x: ScalarType = 1.0,
    lattice_spacing_y: ScalarType = 1.0,
    self.width = width
    self.height = height
    self.lattice_spacing_x = cast(lattice_spacing_x)
    self.lattice_spacing_y = (
        if lattice_spacing_y is not None
        else self.lattice_spacing_x



Square(L1, L2=None, *, lattice_spacing=1.0)

Bases: BoundedBravais

Square lattice.

  • 2D lattice
  • primitive (cell) vector(s)
    • a1 = (1,0)
    • a2 = (0,1)
  • unit cell (1 atom(s))
    • loc (0,0)


Name Type Description Default
L1 int

number of sites in linear direction. n_atoms = L1 * L1.

L2 Optional[int]

number of sites in direction a2. n_atoms = L1 * L2, default is L1

lattice_spacing (Scalar, Real)

lattice spacing. Defaults to 1.0.

  • Possible Next: continue with . to see possible next step in auto-prompt supported setting (IPython, IDE ...)
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def __init__(
    self, L1: int, L2: Optional[int] = None, *, lattice_spacing: ScalarType = 1.0
    if L2 is None:
        L2 = L1
    self.L1 = L1
    self.L2 = L2
    self.lattice_spacing = cast(lattice_spacing)


Triangular(L1, L2=None, *, lattice_spacing=1.0)

Bases: BoundedBravais

Triangular lattice.

  • 2D lattice
  • primitive (cell) vector(s)
    • a1 = (1, 0)
    • a2 = (½, sqrt(3)/2)
  • unit cell (1 atom(s))
    • loc (0, 0)


Name Type Description Default
L int

number of sites in linear direction. n_atoms = L * L.

L2 Optional[int]

number of sites along a2 direction, n_atoms = L1 * L2, default is L1.

lattice_spacing (Scalar, Real)

lattice spacing. Defaults to 1.0.

  • Possible Next: continue with . to see possible next step in auto-prompt supported setting (IPython, IDE ...)
Source code in src/bloqade/analog/ir/location/
def __init__(
    self, L1: int, L2: Optional[int] = None, *, lattice_spacing: ScalarType = 1.0
    if L2 is None:
        L2 = L1
    self.L1 = L1
    self.L2 = L2
    self.lattice_spacing = cast(lattice_spacing)
