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Welcome to Bloqade: QuEra's Neutral Atom SDK

What is Bloqade?

Bloqade is a Python SDK for QuEra's neutral atom quantum computer Aquila (check out our paper!). It's designed to make writing and analyzing the results of analog quantum programs on Aquila as easy as possible. It features custom atom geometries and flexible waveform definitions in both emulation and real hardware. Bloqade interfaces with the AWS Braket cloud service where Aquila is hosted, enabling you to submit programs as well as retrieve and analyze real hardware results all-in-one.


You can install the package with pip in your Python environment of choice via:

pip install bloqade

A Glimpse of Bloqade

Let's try a simple example where we drive a Rabi oscillation on a single neutral atom. Don't worry if you're unfamiliar with neutral atom physics, (you can check out our Background for more information!) the goal here is to just give you a taste of what Bloqade can do.

We start by defining where our atoms go, otherwise known as the atom geometry. In this particular example we will use a small Honeycomb lattice:

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Honeycomb

geometry = Honeycomb(2, lattice_spacing = 10.0)

We can verify what the atom geometry looks like by .show()'ing it:
Geometry Visualization

We now define what the time evolution looks like using a pulse sequence. The pulse sequence here is the time profile of the Rabi Drive targeting the ground-Rydberg two level transition, which causes the Rabi oscillations. We choose a constant waveform with a value of \(\frac{\pi}{2} \text{rad}/\text{us}\) and a duration of \(1.0 \,\text{us}\). This produces a \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) rotation on the Bloch sphere meaning our final measurements should be split 50/50 between the ground and Rydberg state.

from math import pi
rabi_program = (
  .constant(value=pi/2, duration=1.0)

Here rabi.amplitude means exactly what it is, the Rabi amplitude term of the Hamiltonian. uniform refers to applying the waveform uniformly across all the atom locations.

We can visualize what our program looks like again with .show():

Program Visualization

We can now run the program through Bloqade's built-in emulator to get some results. We designate that we want the program to be run and measurements performed 100 times:

emulation_results = rabi_program.bloqade.python().run(100)

With the results we can generate a report object that contains a number of methods for analyzing our data, including the number of counts per unique bitstring:

bitstring_counts =

Which gives us:

[OrderedDict([('0', 55), ('1', 45)])]

If we want to submit our program to hardware we'll need to adjust the waveform as there is a constraint the Rabi amplitude waveform must start and end at zero. This is easy to do as we can build off the atom geometry we saved previously but apply a piecewise linear waveform:

hardware_rabi_program = (
  .piecewise_linear(values = [0, pi/2, pi/2, 0], durations = [0.06, 1.0, 0.06])
Hardware Program Visualization

Now instead of using the built-in Bloqade emulator we submit the program to Aquila. You will need to use the AWS CLI to obtain credentials from your AWS account or set the proper environment variables before hand.

hardware_results = hardware_rabi_program.braket.aquila.run_async(100)

.run_async is a non-blocking version of the standard .run method, allowing you to continue work while waiting for results from Aquila. .run_async immediately returns an object you can query for the status of your tasks in the queue as well.

You can do the exact same analysis you do on emulation results with hardware results too:

hardware_bitstring_counts =

If you want to try the above at once, we collected the above steps into the snippet below:

from math import pi
from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Honeycomb

geometry = Honeycomb(2, lattice_spacing = 10.0)
rabi_program = (
  .constant(value=pi/2, duration=1.0)
emulation_results = rabi_program.bloqade.python().run(100)
bitstring_counts =

hardware_rabi_program = (
  .piecewise_linear(values = [0, pi/2, pi/2, 0], durations = [0.06, 1.0, 0.06])
hardware_results = hardware_rabi_program.braket.aquila.run_async(100)
hardware_bitstring_counts =


Customizable Atom Geometries

You can easily explore a number of common geometric lattices with Bloqade's atom_arrangement's:

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Lieb, Square, Chain, Kagome

geometry_1 = Lieb(3)
geometry_2 = Square(2)
geometry_3 = Chain(5)
geometry_4 = Kagome(3)

If you're not satisfied with the Bravais lattices we also allow you to modify existing Bravais lattices as follows:

geometry_5 = Kagome(3).add_position((10,11))

You can also build your geometry completely from scratch:

from bloqade import start

geometry = start.add_positions([(0,0), (6,0), (12,0)])

Flexible Pulse Sequence Construction

Define waveforms for pulse sequences any way you like by either building (and chaining!) them immediately as part of your program:

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Square

geometry = Square(2)
target_rabi_amplitude = geometry.rydberg.rabi.amplitude.uniform
custom_rabi_amp_waveform = (
  .piecewise_linear(values=[0, 10, 10, 0], durations=[0.1, 3.5, 0.1])
  .piecewise_linear(values=[0, 5, 3, 0], durations=[0.2, 2.0, 0.2])

Or building them separately and applying them later:

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Square, Chain

geometry_1 = Square(3)
geometry_2 = Chain(5)

target_rabi_amplitude = start.rydberg.rabi.amplitude.uniform
pulse_sequence = target_rabi_amplitude.uniform.constant(value=2.0, duration=1.5).parse_sequence()

program_1 = geometry_1.apply(pulse_sequence)
program_2 = geometry_2.apply(pulse_sequence)

Hardware and Emulation Backends

Go from a fast and powerful emulator:

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Square
from math import pi

geometry = Square(3, lattice_spacing = 6.5)
target_rabi_amplitude = geometry.rydberg.rabi.amplitude.uniform
program = (
  .piecewise_linear(values = [0, pi/2, pi/2, 0], durations = [0.06, 1.0, 0.06])
emulation_results = program.bloqade.python().run(100)

To real quantum hardware in a snap:

hardware_results = program.braket.aquila().run_async(100)

Simple Parameter Sweeps

Use variables to make parameter sweeps easy on both emulation and hardware:

from bloqade import start
import numpy as np

geometry = start.add_position((0,0))
target_rabi_amplitude = geometry.rydberg.rabi.amplitude.uniform
rabi_oscillation_program = (
  .piecewise_linear(durations = [0.06, "run_time", 0.06], values = [0, 15, 15, 0])
rabi_oscillation_job = rabi_oscillation_program.batch_assign(run_time=np.linspace(0, 3, 101))

emulation_results = rabi_oscillation_job.bloqade.python().run(100)
hardware_results = rabi_oscillation_job.braket.aquila().run(100)
0            0.16
1            0.35
2            0.59
3            0.78
4            0.96
...           ...
96           0.01
97           0.09
98           0.24
99           0.49
100          0.68

[101 rows x 1 columns]

Quick Results Analysis

Want to just see some plots of your results? .show() will show you the way!

from bloqade.analog.atom_arrangement import Square

rabi_amplitude_values = [0.0, 15.8, 15.8, 0.0]
rabi_detuning_values = [-16.33, -16.33, 42.66, 42.66]
durations = [0.8, 2.4, 0.8]

geometry = Square(3, lattice_spacing=5.9)
rabi_amplitude_waveform = (
  .rydberg.rabi.amplitude.uniform.piecewise_linear(durations, rabi_amplitude_values)
program = (
  .detuning.uniform.piecewise_linear(durations, rabi_detuning_values)
emulation_results = program.bloqade.python().run(100)

Contributing to Bloqade

Bloqade is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0. If you'd like the chance to shape the future of neutral atom quantum computation, see our Contributing Guide for more info!