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Kirin provides a set of analysis tools for common analysis tasks and for building new analysis tools.
Forward Dataflow Analysis
The forward dataflow analysis is a common analysis technique that computes the dataflow information of a program by propagating the information forward through the control flow graph. The forward dataflow analysis is implemented in the kirin.analysis.Forward
The build a forward dataflow analysis, you need to define a lattice. The lattice represents the set of values that can be computed by the analysis.
A lattice is a set of values that are partially ordered. In Kirin IR, a lattice is a subclass of the Lattice
ABC class. A lattice can be used to represent the result of a statement that has multiple possible results.
The kirin.lattice
module provides a set of base and mixin classes that can be used to build some common lattices.
Most of the lattices are bounded lattices, which can be implemented by using the BoundedLattice
abstract class.
Some lattice elements are singleton, which means the lattice class represents a single instance. A metaclass SingletonMeta
is provided to create singleton lattice class that guarantees only one instance will be created, e.g the following is a trivial lattice named EmptyLattice
class EmptyLattice(BoundedLattice["EmptyLattice"], metaclass=SingletonMeta):
"""Empty lattice."""
def join(self, other: "EmptyLattice") -> "EmptyLattice":
return self
def meet(self, other: "EmptyLattice") -> "EmptyLattice":
return self
def bottom(cls):
return cls()
def top(cls):
return cls()
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return id(self)
def is_subseteq(self, other: "EmptyLattice") -> bool:
return True
where the lattice is a BoundedLattice
and it is also a singleton class, which means the class will only have one instance.
Putting things together
To build a forward dataflow analysis, you need to define a lattice and subclass the Forward
class. The following is the type inference analysis (simplified) that infers the type of each variable in the program:
class TypeInference(Forward[types.TypeAttribute]):
keys = ["typeinfer"]
lattice = types.TypeAttribute
where the class TypeInference
is actually the same as the interpreter we introduced before, but instead of running on concrete values, it runs on the lattice values and walks through all the control flow branches. The field keys
is a list of keys that tells the interpreter which method registry to use to run the analysis (similar to the key "main"
for concrete interpretation).
Control Flow Graph
The control flow graph (CFG) can be constructed by calling the CFG
class constructor. The CFG is a directed graph that represents the control flow of the program. Each node in the graph represents a basic block, and each edge represents a control flow transfer between two basic blocks.
An example of using the CFG class to construct a CFG is shown below:
from kirin.analysis import CFG
from kirin.prelude import basic
def main(x):
if x > 0:
y = 1
y = 2
return y
cfg = CFG(main.callable_region)
prints the following directed acyclic graph:
^0 -> [^1, ^2]
^2 -> [^3]
^3 -> []
^1 -> [^3]
^1 <- [^0]
^2 <- [^0]
^3 <- [^2, ^1]
API References
Bases: ForwardExtra[ForwardFrame[LatticeElemType], LatticeElemType]
Forward dataflow analysis.
This is the base class for forward dataflow analysis. If your analysis requires extra information per frame, you should subclass ForwardExtra
code: ir.Statement,
) -> ForwardFrame[LatticeElemType]
Create a new frame for the given method.
Source code in src/kirin/analysis/forward.py
106 107 |
Bases: Printable
Control Flow Graph of a given IR statement.
This class implements the kirin.graph.Graph
Pretty Printing
This object is pretty printable via .print()
entry class-attribute
entry: Block | None = None
Entry block of the CFG.
parent instance-attribute
parent: Region
Parent IR statement.
predecessors cached
CFG data, mapping a block to its predecessors.
successors cached
CFG data, mapping a block to its neighbors.