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Please see Installation for instructions on how to set up your development environment.

Pre-commit hooks

We use pre-commit to run the linter checks before you commit your changes. The pre-commit hooks are installed as part of the development dependencies. You can setup pre-commit using the following command:

pre-commit install

This will run the linter checks before you commit your changes. If the checks fail, the commit will be rejected. Most of the following sections can be checked by the pre-commit hooks.

Running the tests

We use pytest for testing. To run the tests, simply run:


or for a specific test file with the -s flag to show the output of the program:

pytest -s tests/

lots of tests contains pretty printing of the IR themselves, so it's useful to see the output.

Code style

We use black for code formatting. Besides the linter requirements, we also require the following good-to-have practices:


  • try not to use abbreviation as names, unless it's a common abbreviation like idx for index
  • try not create a lot of duplicated name prefix unless the extra information is necessary when accessing the class object.
  • try to use snake_case for naming variables and functions, and CamelCase for classes.


  • try not to write comments, unless it's really necessary. The code should be self-explanatory.
  • if you have to write comments, try to use NOTE:, TODO: FIXME: tags to make it easier to search for them.


We use just for mangaging command line tools and scripts. It should be installed when you run uv sync. To build the documentation, simply run:

just doc

This will launch a local server to preview the documentation. You can also run just doc-build to build the documentation without launching the server.


By contributing to this project, you agree to license your contributions under the Apache License 2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.