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Advance Rewrite

Rewrite if-else control flow

In the main page, we introduce a simple food dialect example, and described how to use kirin to define a simple compiler. In this section, we want to continue with this exampe, and consider a more compilcated rewrite pass that involves the build-in python dialect if-else control flow.


When one get really really full, not only does one nap, we also would make random decision. Here specifically, We want to rewrite the existing IfElse statement defined in the existing py dialect into a customize RandomBranch statement we defined in our food dialect.

The execution of RandomBranch, as stated in its name, randomly execute a branch each time we run it.

Define Custom RandomBranch statement

Lets start by define our RandomBranch Statement:

from kirin.decl import statement, info
from kirin import ir, types

class RandomBranch(ir.Statement):
    name = "random_br"
    traits = frozenset({ir.IsTerminator()}) # (1)!
    cond: SSAValue = info.argument(types.Bool) # (2)!
    then_arguments: tuple[ir.SSAValue, ...] = info.argument() # (3)!
    else_arguments: tuple[ir.SSAValue, ...] = info.argument() # (4)!
    then_successor: ir.Block = info.block() # (5)!
    else_successor: ir.Block = info.block() # (6)!
  1. The traits field specifies that this statement is a terminator. A terminator is a statement that ends a block. In this case, the RandomBranch statement is a terminator because it decides which block to go next.
  2. The cond field specifies the condition of the branch. It is a boolean value.
  3. The then_arguments field specifies the arguments that are passed to the then_successor block. Unlike previous examples, the then_arguments field is annotated with tuple[ir.SSAValue, ...], which means it takes a tuple of ir.SSAValue objects (like what it means in a dataclass).
  4. The else_arguments field specifies the arguments that are passed to the else_successor block.
  5. The then_successor field specifies the block that the control flow goes to if the condition is true.
  6. The else_successor field specifies the block that the control flow goes to if the condition is false.

The RandomBranch statement is a terminator that takes a boolean condition and two tuples of arguments. However, unlike a normal if else branching statement, it does not execute the branches based on the condition. Instead, it randomly chooses one of the branches to execute. We will implement the execution behavior of this statement in the following.

Implementation and MethodTable

Recall in the introduction of food dialect we metioned about MethodTable. Now we have defined the statement, we will need to tell interpreter how to interprete this Statement we defined.

Let's find the FoodMethods MethodTable that we defined and registered to food dialect previously:

from kirin.interp import Frame, Successor, Interpreter, MethodTable, impl

class FoodMethods(MethodTable):

Now we want to also implement the execution method and then register to this method table:

    def random_branch(self, interp: Interpreter, stmt: RandomBranch, values: tuple):
        frame = interp.state.current_frame()
        if randint(0, 1):
            return Successor(
                stmt.then_successor, *frame.get_values(stmt.then_arguments)
            return Successor(
                stmt.else_successor, *frame.get_values(stmt.then_arguments)

The random_branch implementation randomly chooses one of the branches to execute. The return value is a Successor object that specifies the next block to execute and the arguments to pass to the block.

Rewrite Python if else statement to RandomBranch

Now we can define a rewrite pass that rewrites Python if else statement to RandomBranch statement. This is done by defining a subclass of [RewriteRule][kirin.rewrite.RewriteRule] and implementing the rewrite_Statement method. The RewriteRule class is a standard Python visitor on Kirin's IR.

Here, we only need to implement the rewrite_Statement method to rewrite the if else statement to RandomBranch.

from kirin.dialects import cf # (1)!
from kirin.rewrite import RewriteResult, RewriteRule # (2)!

class RewriteToRandomBranch(RewriteRule):

    def rewrite_Statement(self, node: ir.Statement) -> RewriteResult: # (3)!
        if not isinstance(node, cf.ConditionalBranch): # (4)!
            return RewriteResult()
        return RewriteResult(has_done_something=True) # (5)!
  1. Import the control flow dialect cf which is what Python if else statement compiles to by default in the basic dialect group.
  2. Import the RewriteRule class from the rewrite module.
  3. This is the signature of rewrite_Statement method. Your IDE should hint you the type signature so you can auto-complete it.
  4. Check if the statement is a ConditionalBranch statement. If it is not, return an empty RewriteResult.
  5. Replace the ConditionalBranch statement with a RandomBranch statement and return a RewriteResult that indicates the rewrite has been done. Every statement has a replace_by method that replaces the statement with another statement.

Adding to the decorator

from import dialect_group
from kirin.prelude import basic_no_opt
from kirin.rewrite import Walk, Fixpoint

def food(self):

    # some initialization if you need it
    def run_pass(mt, hungry:bool=False, got_lost: bool=True): # (1)!

        if drunk:

        if got_lost:
            Fixpoint(Walk(RandomWalkBranch())).rewrite(mt.code) # (2)!

    return run_pass
  1. Lets add an extra got_lost option to toggle this RandomWalkBranch() rewrite rule.
  2. The Walk will walk through the IR and apply the rule. The Fixpoint then repeatedly walk through the IR until there is nothing to rewrite.