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Recept Codegen

Codegen Food receipt

At the end of the day, we enjoy the food, take a nap, but still need to pay the bill. In this section we will use the previous food fee analysis result, and discuss how to using kirin's codegen framework to generate a receipt.


Lets again continue with the same program, and using the previous FeeAnalysis to get analysis result.

def main2(x: int):

    burger = NewFood(type="burger")
    salad = NewFood(type="salad")

    burger_serving = Cook(burger, 12 + x)
    salad_serving = Cook(salad, 10 + x)




    return x

We want to generate a recept of bill that listed the type of food cooked, and the amount of servings that were cooked.

Codegen using kirin EmitStr

Kirin also provide Codegen framework (we call it Emit), which is also a kind of Interpreter!

Here, since we want to codegen recept in text format, our target is Str. We will use a EmitStr kirin provide. In general one can also customize the Codegen by customizing EmitABC, but here we will just directly using EmitStr provided by kirin.

def default_menu_price():
    return {
        "burger": 3.0,
        "salad": 4.0,
        "chicken": 2.0,

class EmitReceptMain(EmitStr):
    keys = ["emit.recept"]
    dialects: ir.DialectGroup = field(default=food)
    file: StringIO = field(default_factory=StringIO)
    menu_price: dict[str, float] = field(default_factory=default_menu_price)
    recept_analysis_result: dict[ir.SSAValue, Item] = field(default_factory=dict)

    def initialize(self):
        return self

    def eval_stmt_fallback(
        self, frame: EmitStrFrame, stmt: ir.Statement
    ) -> tuple[str, ...]:
        return (,)

    def emit_block(self, frame: EmitStrFrame, block: ir.Block) -> str | None:
        for stmt in block.stmts:
            result = self.eval_stmt(frame, stmt)
            if isinstance(result, tuple):
                frame.set_values(stmt.results, result)
        return None

    def get_output(self) -> str:
        return "\n".join(
                "item    \tamount \t  price",

The same as all the other kirin interpreters, we need to implement MethodTable for our emit interpreter. Here, we register method tables to key emit.recept.

class FuncEmit(interp.MethodTable):

    def emit_func(self, emit: EmitReceptMain, frame: EmitStrFrame, stmt: func.Function):
        _ = emit.run_ssacfg_region(frame, stmt.body)
        return ()

For our Cook Statement, we want to generate a transaction each time we cook. We will get the previous analysis result from the corresponding SSAValue. If the lattce element is a AtLeastXItem, we generate a line with the food type, and >= x. If its a ConstIntItem we just directly generate the amount.

class FoodEmit(interp.MethodTable):

    def emit_cook(self, emit: EmitReceptMain, frame: EmitStrFrame, stmt: stmts.Cook):
        serving_item = cast(ItemServing, emit.recept_analysis_result[stmt.result])

        amount_str = ""
        price_str = ""
        if isinstance(serving_item.count, AtLeastXItem):
            amount_str = f">={}"
            price_str = (
                f"  >=${emit.menu_price[serving_item.type] *}"
        elif isinstance(serving_item.count, ConstIntItem):
            amount_str = f"  {}"
            price_str = (
                f"  ${emit.menu_price[serving_item.type] *}"
            raise EmitError("invalid analysis result.")

        emit.writeln(frame, f"{serving_item.type}\t{amount_str}\t{price_str}")

        return ()

Put together:

emitter = EmitReceptMain()
emitter.recept_analysis_result = results, ("",))