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The Control Flow Dialect
The control flow dialect provides the most generic control flow semantics via cf.Branch
and cf.ConditionalBranch
the cf.Branch
statement is used to mark how basic block branches to another basic block without condition. This represents an edge on the control flow graph (CFG).
│ %y = py.constant.constant 1 : !py.int
│ cf.br ^3(%y)
│ %y_1 = py.constant.constant 2 : !py.int
│ cf.br ^3(%y_1)
│ func.return %y_2
Definition the cf.Branch
statement takes a successor block and its argument. The cf.Branch
is a terminator thus it should always be the last statement of a block.
does not own any ir.Block
, the ir.Region
owns blocks. The ir.Statement
will only own ir.Region
. In Kirin, we use similar design as LLVM/MLIR where the phi nodes in SSA form are replaced by block arguments.
The cf.ConditionalBranch
statement represents a conditional branching statement that looks like following (the cf.cond_br
^0(%main_self, %x):
│ %0 = py.constant.constant 1 : !py.int
│ %1 = py.cmp.gt(lhs=%x, rhs=%0) : !py.bool
│ cf.cond_br %1 goto ^1(%1) else ^2(%1)
Definition, cf.ConditionalBranch
takes a boolean condition cond
of type ir.SSAValue
- then successor and its argument
- else successor and its argument
this statement is also a terminator, which means it must be the last statement of a block.
Combining together - lowering from Python
Now combining these two statemente together, we can represent most of the Python control flows, e.g if-else
and for
-loops. These two statement basically just provides a basic way describing the edges on a control flow graph (CFG) by assuming the node only has one or two outgoing edges.
As an example, the following Python program:
from kirin.prelude import basic_no_opt
def main(x):
if x > 1:
y = 1
y = 2
return y
will be lowered to the following SSA form in cf
func.func main(!Any) -> !Any {
^0(%main_self, %x):
│ %0 = py.constant.constant 1 : !py.int
│ %1 = py.cmp.gt(lhs=%x, rhs=%0) : !py.bool
│ cf.cond_br %1 goto ^1(%1) else ^2(%1)
│ %y = py.constant.constant 1 : !py.int
│ cf.br ^3(%y)
│ %y_1 = py.constant.constant 2 : !py.int
│ cf.br ^3(%y_1)
│ func.return %y_2
} // func.func main
And similarly, we can lower a for
-loop into the cf
def main(x):
for i in range(5):
x = x + i
return x
will be lowered into the following SSA form:
func.func main(!Any) -> !Any {
^0(%main_self, %x_1):
│ %0 = py.constant.constant 0 : !py.int
│ %1 = py.constant.constant 5 : !py.int
│ %2 = py.constant.constant 1 : !py.int
│ %3 = py.range.range(start=%0, stop=%1, step=%2) : !py.range
│ %4 = py.iterable.iter(value=%3) : !Any
│ %5 = py.constant.constant None : !py.NoneType
│ %6 = py.iterable.next(iter=%4) : !Any
│ %7 = py.cmp.is(lhs=%6, rhs=%5) : !py.bool
│ cf.cond_br %7 goto ^2(%x_1) else ^1(%6, %x_1)
^1(%i, %x_2):
│ %x = py.binop.add(%x_2, %i) : ~T
│ %8 = py.iterable.next(iter=%4) : !Any
│ %9 = py.cmp.is(lhs=%8, rhs=%5) : !py.bool
│ cf.cond_br %9 goto ^2(%x) else ^1(%8, %x)
│ func.return %x_3
} // func.func main
However, as you may already notice, lowering from Python directly to cf
dialect will lose some of the high-level information such as the control flow is actually a for-loop. This information can be useful when one wants to perform some optimization. This is why we are taking the same route as MLIR with a structural IR (via ir.Region
s). For the interested readers, please proceed to Structural Control Flow for further reading.
API Reference
Branch kirin-statement
Branch(*, successor: ir.Block)
Bases: Statement
arguments instance-attribute
arguments: tuple[SSAValue, ...]
name class-attribute
name = 'br'
successor kirin-block
successor: Block = block()
traits class-attribute
traits = frozenset({IsTerminator()})
print_impl(printer: Printer) -> None
Source code in src/kirin/dialects/cf/stmts.py
18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 |
verify() -> None
run mandatory validation checks. This is not same as typecheck, which may be optional.
Source code in src/kirin/dialects/cf/stmts.py
15 16 |
ConditionalBranch kirin-statement
cond: ir.SSAValue,
then_successor: ir.Block,
else_successor: ir.Block
Bases: Statement
cond kirin-argument
cond: SSAValue = argument(Bool)
else_arguments instance-attribute
else_arguments: tuple[SSAValue, ...]
else_successor kirin-block
else_successor: Block = block()
name class-attribute
name = 'cond_br'
then_arguments instance-attribute
then_arguments: tuple[SSAValue, ...]
then_successor kirin-block
then_successor: Block = block()
traits class-attribute
traits = frozenset({IsTerminator()})
print_impl(printer: Printer) -> None
Source code in src/kirin/dialects/cf/stmts.py
44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 |
verify() -> None
run mandatory validation checks. This is not same as typecheck, which may be optional.
Source code in src/kirin/dialects/cf/stmts.py
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