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import numpy as np
from braket.timings.time_series import TimeSeries
from braket.ahs.driving_field import DrivingField
from braket.ahs.shifting_field import ShiftingField
from braket.ahs.field import Field
from braket.ahs.pattern import Pattern
from collections import Counter
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple
from braket.tasks.analog_hamiltonian_simulation_quantum_task_result \
import AnalogHamiltonianSimulationQuantumTaskResult
from braket.ahs.atom_arrangement import AtomArrangement
__all__ = [
def rabi_pulse(
rabi_pulse_area: float,
omega_max: float,
omega_slew_rate_max: float
) -> Tuple[List[float], List[float]]:
"""Get a time series for Rabi frequency with specified Rabi phase, maximum amplitude
and maximum slew rate
rabi_pulse_area (float): Total area under the Rabi frequency time series
omega_max (float): The maximum amplitude
omega_slew_rate_max (float): The maximum slew rate
Tuple[List[float], List[float]]: A tuple containing the time points and values
of the time series for the time dependent Rabi frequency
Notes: By Rabi phase, it means the integral of the amplitude of a time-dependent
Rabi frequency, \int_0^T\Omega(t)dt, where T is the duration.
phase_threshold = omega_max**2 / omega_slew_rate_max
if rabi_pulse_area <= phase_threshold:
t_ramp = np.sqrt(rabi_pulse_area / omega_slew_rate_max)
t_plateau = 0
t_ramp = omega_max / omega_slew_rate_max
t_plateau = (rabi_pulse_area / omega_max) - t_ramp
t_pules = 2 * t_ramp + t_plateau
time_points = [0, t_ramp, t_ramp + t_plateau, t_pules]
amplitude_values = [0, t_ramp * omega_slew_rate_max, t_ramp * omega_slew_rate_max, 0]
return time_points, amplitude_values
def get_drive(
times: List[float],
amplitude_values: List[float],
detuning_values: List[float],
phase_values: List[float]
) -> DrivingField:
"""Get the driving field from a set of time points and values of the fields
times (List[float]): The time points of the driving field
amplitude_values (List[float]): The values of the amplitude
detuning_values (List[float]): The values of the detuning
phase_values (List[float]): The values of the phase
DrivingField: The driving field obtained
assert len(times) == len(amplitude_values)
assert len(times) == len(detuning_values)
assert len(times) == len(phase_values)
amplitude = TimeSeries()
detuning = TimeSeries()
phase = TimeSeries()
for t, amplitude_value, detuning_value, phase_value in zip(times, amplitude_values, detuning_values, phase_values):
amplitude.put(t, amplitude_value)
detuning.put(t, detuning_value)
phase.put(t, phase_value)
drive = DrivingField(
return drive
def get_shift(times: List[float], values: List[float], pattern: List[float]) -> ShiftingField:
"""Get the shifting field from a set of time points, values and pattern
times (List[float]): The time points of the shifting field
values (List[float]): The values of the shifting field
pattern (List[float]): The pattern of the shifting field
ShiftingField: The shifting field obtained
assert len(times) == len(values)
magnitude = TimeSeries()
for t, v in zip(times, values):
magnitude.put(t, v)
shift = ShiftingField(Field(magnitude, Pattern(pattern)))
return shift
def constant_time_series(other_time_series: TimeSeries, constant: float=0.0) -> TimeSeries:
"""Obtain a constant time series with the same time points as the given time series
other_time_series (TimeSeries): The given time series
TimeSeries: A constant time series with the same time points as the given time series
ts = TimeSeries()
for t in other_time_series.times():
ts.put(t, constant)
return ts
def concatenate_time_series(time_series_1: TimeSeries, time_series_2: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries:
"""Concatenate two time series to a single time series
time_series_1 (TimeSeries): The first time series to be concatenated
time_series_2 (TimeSeries): The second time series to be concatenated
TimeSeries: The concatenated time series
assert time_series_1.values()[-1] == time_series_2.values()[0]
duration_1 = time_series_1.times()[-1] - time_series_1.times()[0]
new_time_series = TimeSeries()
new_times = time_series_1.times() + [t + duration_1 - time_series_2.times()[0] for t in time_series_2.times()[1:]]
new_values = time_series_1.values() + time_series_2.values()[1:]
for t, v in zip(new_times, new_values):
new_time_series.put(t, v)
return new_time_series
def concatenate_drives(drive_1: DrivingField, drive_2: DrivingField) -> DrivingField:
"""Concatenate two driving fields to a single driving field
drive_1 (DrivingField): The first driving field to be concatenated
drive_2 (DrivingField): The second driving field to be concatenated
DrivingField: The concatenated driving field
return DrivingField(
amplitude=concatenate_time_series(drive_1.amplitude.time_series, drive_2.amplitude.time_series),
detuning=concatenate_time_series(drive_1.detuning.time_series, drive_2.detuning.time_series),
phase=concatenate_time_series(drive_1.phase.time_series, drive_2.phase.time_series)
def concatenate_shifts(shift_1: ShiftingField, shift_2: ShiftingField) -> ShiftingField:
"""Concatenate two driving fields to a single driving field
shift_1 (ShiftingField): The first shifting field to be concatenated
shift_2 (ShiftingField): The second shifting field to be concatenated
ShiftingField: The concatenated shifting field
assert shift_1.magnitude.pattern.series == shift_2.magnitude.pattern.series
new_magnitude = concatenate_time_series(shift_1.magnitude.time_series, shift_2.magnitude.time_series)
return ShiftingField(Field(new_magnitude, shift_1.magnitude.pattern))
def concatenate_drive_list(drive_list: List[DrivingField]) -> DrivingField:
"""Concatenate a list of driving fields to a single driving field
drive_list (List[DrivingField]): The list of driving fields to be concatenated
DrivingField: The concatenated driving field
drive = drive_list[0]
for dr in drive_list[1:]:
drive = concatenate_drives(drive, dr)
return drive
def concatenate_shift_list(shift_list: List[ShiftingField]) -> ShiftingField:
"""Concatenate a list of shifting fields to a single driving field
shift_list (List[ShiftingField]): The list of shifting fields to be concatenated
ShiftingField: The concatenated shifting field
shift = shift_list[0]
for sf in shift_list[1:]:
shift = concatenate_shifts(shift, sf)
return shift
def concatenate_drive_list(drive_list: List[braket.ahs.driving_field.DrivingField]) -> braket.ahs.driving_field.DrivingField
Concatenate a list of driving fields to a single driving field
- The list of driving fields to be concatenated
- The concatenated driving field
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def concatenate_drive_list(drive_list: List[DrivingField]) -> DrivingField: """Concatenate a list of driving fields to a single driving field Args: drive_list (List[DrivingField]): The list of driving fields to be concatenated Returns: DrivingField: The concatenated driving field """ drive = drive_list[0] for dr in drive_list[1:]: drive = concatenate_drives(drive, dr) return drive
def concatenate_drives(drive_1: braket.ahs.driving_field.DrivingField, drive_2: braket.ahs.driving_field.DrivingField) -> braket.ahs.driving_field.DrivingField
Concatenate two driving fields to a single driving field
- The first driving field to be concatenated
- The second driving field to be concatenated
- The concatenated driving field
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def concatenate_drives(drive_1: DrivingField, drive_2: DrivingField) -> DrivingField: """Concatenate two driving fields to a single driving field Args: drive_1 (DrivingField): The first driving field to be concatenated drive_2 (DrivingField): The second driving field to be concatenated Returns: DrivingField: The concatenated driving field """ return DrivingField( amplitude=concatenate_time_series(drive_1.amplitude.time_series, drive_2.amplitude.time_series), detuning=concatenate_time_series(drive_1.detuning.time_series, drive_2.detuning.time_series), phase=concatenate_time_series(drive_1.phase.time_series, drive_2.phase.time_series) )
def concatenate_shift_list(shift_list: List[braket.ahs.shifting_field.ShiftingField]) -> braket.ahs.shifting_field.ShiftingField
Concatenate a list of shifting fields to a single driving field
- The list of shifting fields to be concatenated
- The concatenated shifting field
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def concatenate_shift_list(shift_list: List[ShiftingField]) -> ShiftingField: """Concatenate a list of shifting fields to a single driving field Args: shift_list (List[ShiftingField]): The list of shifting fields to be concatenated Returns: ShiftingField: The concatenated shifting field """ shift = shift_list[0] for sf in shift_list[1:]: shift = concatenate_shifts(shift, sf) return shift
def concatenate_shifts(shift_1: braket.ahs.shifting_field.ShiftingField, shift_2: braket.ahs.shifting_field.ShiftingField) -> braket.ahs.shifting_field.ShiftingField
Concatenate two driving fields to a single driving field
- The first shifting field to be concatenated
- The second shifting field to be concatenated
- The concatenated shifting field
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def concatenate_shifts(shift_1: ShiftingField, shift_2: ShiftingField) -> ShiftingField: """Concatenate two driving fields to a single driving field Args: shift_1 (ShiftingField): The first shifting field to be concatenated shift_2 (ShiftingField): The second shifting field to be concatenated Returns: ShiftingField: The concatenated shifting field """ assert shift_1.magnitude.pattern.series == shift_2.magnitude.pattern.series new_magnitude = concatenate_time_series(shift_1.magnitude.time_series, shift_2.magnitude.time_series) return ShiftingField(Field(new_magnitude, shift_1.magnitude.pattern))
def concatenate_time_series(time_series_1: braket.timings.time_series.TimeSeries, time_series_2: braket.timings.time_series.TimeSeries) -> braket.timings.time_series.TimeSeries
Concatenate two time series to a single time series
- The first time series to be concatenated
- The second time series to be concatenated
- The concatenated time series
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def concatenate_time_series(time_series_1: TimeSeries, time_series_2: TimeSeries) -> TimeSeries: """Concatenate two time series to a single time series Args: time_series_1 (TimeSeries): The first time series to be concatenated time_series_2 (TimeSeries): The second time series to be concatenated Returns: TimeSeries: The concatenated time series """ assert time_series_1.values()[-1] == time_series_2.values()[0] duration_1 = time_series_1.times()[-1] - time_series_1.times()[0] new_time_series = TimeSeries() new_times = time_series_1.times() + [t + duration_1 - time_series_2.times()[0] for t in time_series_2.times()[1:]] new_values = time_series_1.values() + time_series_2.values()[1:] for t, v in zip(new_times, new_values): new_time_series.put(t, v) return new_time_series
def constant_time_series(other_time_series: braket.timings.time_series.TimeSeries, constant: float = 0.0) -> braket.timings.time_series.TimeSeries
Obtain a constant time series with the same time points as the given time series
- The given time series
- A constant time series with the same time points as the given time series
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def constant_time_series(other_time_series: TimeSeries, constant: float=0.0) -> TimeSeries: """Obtain a constant time series with the same time points as the given time series Args: other_time_series (TimeSeries): The given time series Returns: TimeSeries: A constant time series with the same time points as the given time series """ ts = TimeSeries() for t in other_time_series.times(): ts.put(t, constant) return ts
def get_drive(times: List[float], amplitude_values: List[float], detuning_values: List[float], phase_values: List[float]) -> braket.ahs.driving_field.DrivingField
Get the driving field from a set of time points and values of the fields
- The time points of the driving field
- The values of the amplitude
- The values of the detuning
- The values of the phase
- The driving field obtained
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def get_drive( times: List[float], amplitude_values: List[float], detuning_values: List[float], phase_values: List[float] ) -> DrivingField: """Get the driving field from a set of time points and values of the fields Args: times (List[float]): The time points of the driving field amplitude_values (List[float]): The values of the amplitude detuning_values (List[float]): The values of the detuning phase_values (List[float]): The values of the phase Returns: DrivingField: The driving field obtained """ assert len(times) == len(amplitude_values) assert len(times) == len(detuning_values) assert len(times) == len(phase_values) amplitude = TimeSeries() detuning = TimeSeries() phase = TimeSeries() for t, amplitude_value, detuning_value, phase_value in zip(times, amplitude_values, detuning_values, phase_values): amplitude.put(t, amplitude_value) detuning.put(t, detuning_value) phase.put(t, phase_value) drive = DrivingField( amplitude=amplitude, detuning=detuning, phase=phase ) return drive
def get_shift(times: List[float], values: List[float], pattern: List[float]) -> braket.ahs.shifting_field.ShiftingField
Get the shifting field from a set of time points, values and pattern
- The time points of the shifting field
- The values of the shifting field
- The pattern of the shifting field
- The shifting field obtained
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def get_shift(times: List[float], values: List[float], pattern: List[float]) -> ShiftingField: """Get the shifting field from a set of time points, values and pattern Args: times (List[float]): The time points of the shifting field values (List[float]): The values of the shifting field pattern (List[float]): The pattern of the shifting field Returns: ShiftingField: The shifting field obtained """ assert len(times) == len(values) magnitude = TimeSeries() for t, v in zip(times, values): magnitude.put(t, v) shift = ShiftingField(Field(magnitude, Pattern(pattern))) return shift
def rabi_pulse(rabi_pulse_area: float, omega_max: float, omega_slew_rate_max: float) -> Tuple[List[float], List[float]]
Get a time series for Rabi frequency with specified Rabi phase, maximum amplitude and maximum slew rate
- Total area under the Rabi frequency time series
- The maximum amplitude
- The maximum slew rate
Tuple[List[float], List[float]]
- A tuple containing the time points and values of the time series for the time dependent Rabi frequency
:By Rabi phase, it means the integral
ofthe amplitude
ofa time-dependent
- Rabi frequency, \int_0^T\Omega(t)dt, where T is the duration.
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def rabi_pulse( rabi_pulse_area: float, omega_max: float, omega_slew_rate_max: float ) -> Tuple[List[float], List[float]]: """Get a time series for Rabi frequency with specified Rabi phase, maximum amplitude and maximum slew rate Args: rabi_pulse_area (float): Total area under the Rabi frequency time series omega_max (float): The maximum amplitude omega_slew_rate_max (float): The maximum slew rate Returns: Tuple[List[float], List[float]]: A tuple containing the time points and values of the time series for the time dependent Rabi frequency Notes: By Rabi phase, it means the integral of the amplitude of a time-dependent Rabi frequency, \int_0^T\Omega(t)dt, where T is the duration. """ phase_threshold = omega_max**2 / omega_slew_rate_max if rabi_pulse_area <= phase_threshold: t_ramp = np.sqrt(rabi_pulse_area / omega_slew_rate_max) t_plateau = 0 else: t_ramp = omega_max / omega_slew_rate_max t_plateau = (rabi_pulse_area / omega_max) - t_ramp t_pules = 2 * t_ramp + t_plateau time_points = [0, t_ramp, t_ramp + t_plateau, t_pules] amplitude_values = [0, t_ramp * omega_slew_rate_max, t_ramp * omega_slew_rate_max, 0] return time_points, amplitude_values